Confession: Although I was, am, and always will be a girlie girl at heart, I feel like I know
nothing about little girls anymore. Or at least very little. From the moment the ultrasound technician told my husband and I we were having a boy (which he promptly celebrated with a fist pump), life has been all about blue, cars, trains, rocks, dirt, and recently - bugs (ew!). And I love every minute of it. But there's something about sweet little A (just 9 days younger than my Hayden) that makes me dream of bows, frilly dresses, and ruffles. She's so innately girlie, although I'm sure watching her mama's love of handbags and shoes contributes as well!
It's so fun so see how much Miss A has
changed in a year, and her family has been such a blessing to me as we've grown as friends. I can't wait to see what this year brings for their family!

And lastly, her "mean face." Love.