This month, I'm thankful that...
you're fully potty trained - ha!
although you show occasional signs of your infamous food pickiness, you've been a MUCH better eater lately. And if all else fails, you'll be a fruit-and-bread-etarian. Those are 2 food groups you almost never refuse.
you LOVED trick or treating on Halloween! Instead of saying "Trick or Treat!" you greeted neighbors with "I want some more treats!" Since you're only 2, they thought it was cute.
you have the most avid little imagination. Just today you "made me a grilled cheese" using a stock pot and a spatula.
you still like to "snuggle buggle" with mama during bedtime prayers.
you have an INCREDIBLE memory. I can hardly believe you've learned 3 Bible verses since October. Your favorite goes something like this: "Loveispatientloveiskindcorinthians."
you're SO excited about the Christmas season, even though I don't think you have any idea why.
although I know the adjustment to having a sibling is going to be hard, you've given me hope you're going to be a great big brother. Just this week, you talked about how you're going to share your blue paci with baby. In your world, THAT is love!
you give the best (rough!) hugs.
you're the perfect addition to our family! I wouldn't change a thing about you, my smart, creative, healthy, happy little boy!
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