Dear Hayden,
Happy 27 months (tomorrow) to my angel! Somehow your 26th month post got lost in the chaos of potty training, so I'll try to make up for it with this post! That's the biggest thing that's gone on in your little life this past month - the potty. As a mommy, I've never felt so frustrated, humbled, proud of you, and relieved as I have with potty training. And as crazy as it sounds, I learned so much about myself as your mommy this past month. I've experienced what it's like to celebrate in your success with my heart bursting with pride, and I've also seen my ugly, perfectionist tendencies projected on you when I knew that no matter how much I wanted it, I had NO control over whether or not you would choose to go potty. I seriously had no idea I could learn so much about myself and my parenting from something as mundane as this, but I think the biggest thing I want YOU to know is that I love you, adore you, and am proud of you whether you're succeeding at a task or struggling and whether you're acting like a sweet angel or an irrational monster (i.e. a typical toddler). My love for you does not depend on your behavior or accomplishments. It just is. Even though I know I don't always act like it. I get frustrated and angry too and am in need of saving and God's grace every day. I just wanted you to know, sweet boy.
On a MUCH less serious note (that has nothing to do with pottying!), the lake is still your favorite place in the world. You absolutely adore your boat rides and love to dance at the head of the boat.

Mimi, Papa, Uncle Chuck, and Aunt Abby are just about your favorite PEOPLE in the world. When I ask you who your best friend is you always answer "Uncle Chuck!" And you pretend to call Abby at school multiple times a day (with a train track piece as a makeshift phone!) You think Papa is the coolest and have him wrapped around your finger!

Your verbal skills are amazing, and we have full blown conversations all day long. Although at the end of the day, I wish I remembered more of them, but my preggo brain is in full force! You still have no idea how our lives will change in a few months, although you like to point out baby brother's crib, tell me how you'll teach him to play trains, and throw in your two cents with his name options. When I ask you where baby brother is, you say "in the tummy!" although I don't really think you know WHOSE tummy. You think you're absolutely hilarious (don't know where you got that, *cough* Dada!) and most of the time you are. Although I'm exhausted by the end of each day, I look forward to getting you up each morning with your smiles and snuggle buggles. And I thank God all the time for picking me to me your mama!

You're my sunshine. xoxo, Mama