When the husband's parents asked if we wanted to join them for a beach vacation in Panama City, we said yes please! One "big kid" car seat, three suitcases, a trunk full of baby gear, and a surprisingly calm 6 hour drive, and we were there. Hayden started out pretty terrified of the ocean and leery of the sand, but as the week went on, he became a regular ol' beach baby, happily munching on Cheerios under the shade of his umbrella and dipping his toes in the ocean with the help of his Dada and uncles. We miss you, beach!
I'm so late posting pictures of this adorable family since I spent all last week at the beach, but....Here there are! Finally! Mama E is a friend of mine, and they had just celebrated Mr. C's first birthday. He's such a curious baby - exploring grass and leaves and pointing things out to Mommy and Daddy! And he LOVES to play rough with his Daddy (as does my own little boy!) Must be a guy thing :) Thanks E's for allowing me to capture a few precious moments of your life as a family of 3!
My name is Katie Davidson, and I'm a wife, mama, and lifestyle photographer, specializing (but not limited to) children and family photography. Thanks for checking out my site, and I hope you like what you see! If you're interested in my sevices, please email me at katiedavidsonphotography @gmail.com. Enjoy!